Greenbank Group

Based in Derbyshire in the United Kingdom, The Greenbank Group are world leaders in the development and delivery of product and service solutions for heavy engineering industries such as power, coal, cement, steel, paper, glass, and mineral processing. They have manufacturing or administration facilities in the UK, Czech Republic, China and India.
Greenbank supply specialised products and services to heavy industry. They have an ongoing strategy for improvement, progress and product development which is supported by more than 50 years of industry experience and an intimate knowledge of our customers’ requirements.
Originally formed in the early 1920s, the organisation as it is today took shape in the mid 1950s. Since then, Greenbank have been the world leaders in the design, manufacture and application of abrasive and chemical resistant products. Their knowledgeable application has resulted in the extended life of industrial plant facilities across the world, providing increased efficiency and reduced downtime to create all the advantages and cost savings associated with high-quality engineering and preventative maintenance.